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In conceptualizing the landscape of violent extremism, a profound truth is often overlooked: behind every act of hate is a human being with the capacity for change. When we acknowledge the humanity behind violent extremism, we can better meet the challenge of helping individuals out through compassion and accountability.

The stories shared by those who have left extremist movements behind aren’t just testimonials—they’re beacons of hope that illuminate a crucial truth: it’s never too late to change your mind. Through our work, we’ve witnessed remarkable journeys of transformation that challenge our assumptions about redemption and human potential.

For those willing to take accountability for their past actions, there truly is life after hate. And the impact in our communities of each individual who leaves extremism behind cannot be overstated—each person changes their world, making society safer in the process and demonstrating to others that they can follow the same path.

I am a former skinhead. I was in the movement from 1989 until 2010. I know it's scary. The change is scary. You don't know what is on the other side, but I promise you...with 21 years in the is better over here. Take the leap. Life After Hate will help you.

Life after hate really helped me when I left the movement. I lost every friend I had made in ten years and I was on my own. Life after hate introduced me to new friends and supported me so I didn't go back to the organisations. It still supports me now years later and is the best rehabilitation organisation I have encountered.

I left extremism long before Life After Hate was even an idea. Going it alone was scary, confusing and difficult. I’m so glad there are knowledgeable people to help guide new formers, as well as a community to provide support and understanding. The services Life After Hate provide are unique and invaluable. I truly believe they are life changing, and even life saving, for the Formers who reach out.

I felt irredeemably broken until I found Life After Hate. The community here welcomed and valued me and showed me that I do not have to be defined by my worst life choices.