This is our February 2024 Newsletter that went out to our email subscribers. Sign up to receive updates here.
Dear Friend of Life After Hate
“These are awesome!”
“Life After Hate does good work.”
“So much relatable stuff in the first few minutes.”
“It’s so good. I’m learning so much.”
These are just a few of the recent comments that Life After Hate has received from listeners of our podcast, The Daily Former. When we initially launched TDF almost a year ago, we set out to develop a new engagement vehicle design to meet those considering disengaging from violent far-right extremism where they are.
The style, the language, the approach, and the content were developed to feel familiar. It was intentionally designed to remind listeners (and website visitors) of some of the content they consume as violent extremists. We hoped to connect with those who may be looking for a way out without knowing if exiting was even possible.
Today, we are producing content that meets, and exceeds, that objective. Each week, we have a growing number of individuals who, for the first time, can see that there can be a life after hate. We have a growing number who are listening to the powerful, personal stories of those who have exited before them, those men and women who were strong enough to leave lives of extremism behind, and stronger still for showing each and every day that they are worthy of our understanding and our compassion.
Helping individuals disengage from violent extremism is no easy task. It is time-consuming, frustrating, complicated, and, at times, messy, both for the individual and the LAH team that supports him. But it is also essential if we are to work together to build a safer community and a stronger civil society.
The Daily Former is just one of the tools we use to show that exiting is possible and to demonstrate our mantra of “compassion with accountability.” I hope you will give Season Two a listen, and will encourage others who care about this issue to do the same.
Thank you for your continued support, trust, and belief in Life After Hate and its work.
– Pat Riccards
LAH Discusses Impact of “God’s Army”

LAH recently sat down with Salon magazine to discuss “God’s Army” and efforts by a number of VFRE groups to gather at the nation’s southern border to confront what these extremists see as a migrant “invasion.”
Read more here.
Fighting “Domestic Terrorism”

Life After Hate was recently featured as one of the few organizations in the United States taking on the vital role of confronting “domestic terrorism.
Read more here.
Beliefs, Experiences, Passions

Executive Director Pat Riccards recently sat down with B.E.P. Talks to offer a deep dive into the work of Life After Hate and the impact it has in building a safer society for all.
Watch the whole interview here.
“The Battle Against Extremism”

Executive Director Pat Riccards was recently featured in CEO Scoop magazine, where he discussed LAH’s important work in the “battle against extremism.”
Read more here.