This is our March 2024 Newsletter that went out to our email subscribers. Sign up to receive updates here.
Dear Friend of Life After Hate
Last month, a Reuters study found that voters identified extremism as the biggest concern facing the United States. More than the economy and more than immigration. Those of us at Life After Hate have lived this truth. Every time there is an act of ideology-based violence in the United States, demands for our work dramatically increase.
Mother Emmanuel AME Church. Pulse nightclub. Tree of Life. Buffalo Tops grocery store. Gaza War. When violent atrocities happen, whether here at home or around the globe, the calls for help to Life After Hate grow louder. Calls from family and loved ones concerned about someone active in a violent extremist group. An individual who has moved from hateful thoughts to hateful actions. Community leaders looking to do something about the rise in ideology-based violent crimes.
With each call, Life After Hate has risen to the challenge and done what we can to help build a safer society, providing a place where violent extremists can take accountability for their past actions and reintegrate into society in meaningful, productive ways.
For most who reach out to Life After Hate, we are their only option for disengaging from violent extremism. It means we are working with a growing number of court-mandated cases. And it means we are now working with adolescents. To do our part to improve our civil society, Life After Hate must do all it can to help those in most need of assistance. If they are willing to take accountability for their past actions, we are willing to show them the compassion necessary to find a life after hate.
This work, and the growing impact it is having on communities across the country, is all because of you. We appreciate you making this important work possible and pledge to do all we can to fulfill our mission.
– Pat Riccards
LAH Featured in Boston Globe

ED Pat Riccards recently discussed the rise of NSC-131 in Boston and the importance of sunshine and honest conversation when addressing such extremist groups.
Read more here.
Dark Web Hate Groups

LAH’s Brad Galloway recently discussed how dark web hate groups groom youth for offline violence with CBC’s The Fifth Estate.
Watch the episode here.
Confronting Anti-Latino Violence

“We, as a nation, must be held accountable for the anti-Latino words and deeds we currently tolerate. And we must be accountable for the ideology-based acts that this hate directs.”
Read more here.
The Need for Boundaries

This week, The Daily Former team discusses the importance of setting boundaries, particularly for those looking to leave violent extremism.
Listen here.