DeradicalizationIntervention #WeCounterHate wins Shorty Social Good Award POSSIBLE and Life After Hate won a Shorty Social Good Award in Artificial Intelligence for…H ThomasNovember 17, 2018
Fundraising An early Thanksgiving message This year’s #GivingTuesday on November 27 kicks off Life After Hate’s season of giving. We…H ThomasNovember 15, 2018
Anti-SemitismHate crimes What we all can do in wake of Tree of Life Synagogue shooting We all have an obligation to fight for each other’s human rights, to make equality…H ThomasOctober 28, 2018
Hate speechSocial media How we helped make Twitter less hateful in 2018 Nine million. That’s the number of hate impressions that have been eliminated from Twitter thanks…H ThomasOctober 16, 2018
Angela KingDeradicalization Watch “Meeting a Monster” Experience Angela King's descent into the violent white supremacy movement and the path she took…H ThomasAugust 30, 2018
MediaWhite Supremacy How should the media cover hate? When covering hate groups, it’s vital to focus on the underlying and far more nuanced…H ThomasAugust 14, 2018
Countering Hate What you can do when hate groups come to your town VIOLENT FAR-RIGHT EXTREMISTS ONLY BENEFIT MEDIA ATTENTION. They're trying to trigger you and want you to…H ThomasAugust 6, 2018
Racial politics 12 books to help you understand violent extremism and racial politics Here are our recommendations for books that delve into the issues that are central to…H ThomasJuly 5, 2018
Hate groups Why violent far-right extremism is anti-American Two days before Memorial Day this year, a 34-year-old man is accused of spray painting…H ThomasJune 26, 2018
Gun violence Moving beyond ‘thoughts and prayers’ Thoughts and prayers — it’s what too many of us default to because we’ve stopped…H ThomasMay 22, 2018