CompassionHate crimes Life After Hate’s statement on the current anti-racism movement Life After Hate helps people make the most out of second and third chances. Right…H ThomasJune 3, 2020
Media How to fight fake news during COVID-19 Fake news about the pandemic is hitting a fever pitch—and chances are good that you’ve…H ThomasMay 7, 2020
DeradicalizationDisengagement The Oklahoma City bombing: ‘For the first time ever, my victims haunted me’ Many extremists act as if they are committed to “the cause,” but their conviction is…H ThomasApril 19, 2020
ExitUSAFormers What the COVID-19 crisis means for former extremists It’s critical that we asses what the coronavirus crisis means for the men and women…H ThomasMarch 31, 2020
DeradicalizationFar-right extremismFormers We’re committed to helping formers. Not everyone is. If we abuse the trust it takes to make formers open up, we can stifle…H ThomasMarch 24, 2020
ExitUSAMedia Life After Hate’s statement on COVID-19 We are highlighting a few ways Life After Hate is upholding its devotion to supporting…H ThomasMarch 17, 2020
Peacemakers Peacemakers: Vol. 1 Issue 4. Winter In this latest issue of the Life After Hate newsletter, we explore the risks involved…H ThomasFebruary 24, 2020
FormersMedia When former extremists go public: What are the risks as our appetite grows for new stories? Firsthand accounts from former violent far-right extremists offer a unique and credible look at violent…H ThomasFebruary 24, 2020
DeradicalizationExitUSA Supporting families through de-radicalization: Q&A with the director of ExitUSA Robert Örell — program director of ExitUSA, the flagship intervention program at Life After Hate…H ThomasFebruary 24, 2020
Sammy RangelWe Counter Hate Welcome to the next phase of #WeCounterHate In its two-year run, #WeCounterHate kept millions of hateful tweets off of social media. Read…H ThomasDecember 2, 2019