Online radicalizationSocial mediaWhite Supremacy What we get wrong about online radicalization In part because of the relative novelty of the internet and social media, in part…H ThomasSeptember 17, 2019
Domestic terrorismHate crimes Statement on deadly week of mass shootings Domestic terrorism is real and its main mechanism is hate. We can not afford to…H ThomasAugust 4, 2019
Deradicalization Can a nation forgive a reformed neo-Nazi? Despite his commitment to civil rights, Nick Cooper was recently deported from Canada, underscoring a…H ThomasApril 9, 2019
Hate crimes New Zealand shooting is warning for US: Get serious about white supremacist terror threat Federal prosecutors have the authority to use the term “terrorism” and should, when an act…H ThomasApril 2, 2019
Far-right extremismHate groupsHate speech Life After Hate working with Facebook to help individuals leave behind hate groups Online radicalization is a process, not an outcome. Our goal is to insert ourselves in…H ThomasMarch 27, 2019
Hate speech Surge in anti-Muslim tweets following terror attacks on mosques In the wake of the terrorist attacks earlier this month on two mosques in Christchurch,…H ThomasMarch 26, 2019
Far-right extremismSammy Rangel Statement on New Zealand terrorist attacks We must recognize that white supremacy ideology is a global issue, and that its threat…H ThomasMarch 15, 2019
Domestic terrorismHate crimes Violent far-right was behind nearly all domestic extremist murders in 2018 Bookended by the attack on Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland in February and the…H ThomasJanuary 24, 2019
Anti-SemitismHate crimes 10 numbers that show the real state of hate today What was the state of hate in 2018? To put things in perspective as we…H ThomasDecember 19, 2018
DeradicalizationFar-right extremism A former member of the Aryan Brotherhood talks about why he joined, and how he finally got out Thomas Engelmann was a longtime member of the Aryan Brotherhood of Mississippi. He is now…H ThomasNovember 21, 2018